Friday, November 27, 2009


I'm pained at the way the Clergy and Religious have been dealt with by the report in Dublin. All the good the priests and religious did for the poor in Ireland down the centuries seems to have been forgotten. History cannot be judge as good or bad according to modern criteria, history has to be understood according to its proper context. Why don't they judge other entities and personalities of the past in the same way as they are dealing with the Church nowadays. Let us be renewed in our conviction that the vocation and ministry is a gift from God; a Call, which cannot be sullied by human limitations. I also read of a priest of the diocese of Kilmore was sentenced to imprisonment. Without condoning his sin, I felt there could be so many worst sex offenders than him out there moving about freely! Be assured of my prayers for all those who are pursuing priesthood and for the Chruch in Ireland, surely the Lord will always allow His Church to triumph in spite of evil men who oppose her. May Our Blessed Mother protect, guard and defend Her priests always.

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